Monday, November 25, 2013

Being Thankful But Not Complacent

As I sit and reflect on all the things I have to be thankful for, I can't help but cry. Not tears of unhappiness, but tears of utter joy. A joy that is so profound that I can't stand it. In all my life, I have never felt this feeling. EVER!!! I have to agree with what the end portion of Job 8:7 (ESV) says: "your latter days will be very great." All I can say is that if you can be patient and you live long enough, you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.

Early on in life, we are constantly learning and growing; bumping our heads along the way. Not knowing what tomorrow will hold or even questioning God about this dreadful (or what appears to be dreadful) life that we think we are living. When I look back, everything that I have gone through and mind you, all that I will go through is a part of His grand plan for my life.

I often see on Facebook during the month of November how people are "thankful" for this or that on a particular day, and I love it.... but after the month has closed and we move into the hurried season of Christmas, I often wonder where all the "I'm thankful's" have gone. This is why I don't set aside one month for being thankful for people, places, friendships, jobs, etc. It's a perpetual thing for me. Don't get me wrong......everyone is entitled to do their own thingy, it's just not my cuppa tea! 

In this season of life, I have often found myself vacillating. One day I am moving towards my dream and the next day because I am to be content, I fall into a slump. I say to myself, "this is where God has me for such a time as this," so I'm supposed to be satisfied. And before I know it, I have talked myself into whatever I think I need to tell myself to be happy. My dreams are again put on the back burner until whenever. The more I read different books and more importantly, the more I get into the word of God, I am learning that God will not hit a sitting target. I have to be moving. I can't be satisfied with where I am just because. I am feeling the call more so than ever and because of this, I am preparing myself  for the mother of all changes. (Big surprises on the horizon!!!)

Why am I saying all of this? Because I am thankful for listening and adhering to the voice of the Lord. I use to hear what I wanted to hear and I would literally talk myself out of what God wanted me to do. Cray-cray right? Nope! Not at all. There are many people out there, especially women that do this sort of thing all the time. We are literally afraid of the unknown and because of the uncertainty of the future, what people will say, family, friends, etc; we fall prey to being thankful and content and once again downplay what's on the inside. That which gives us ultimate joy. We are so content that we are again "thumbed" down by our own self. Being thankful is not a bad thing at all. In fact, we are to be  thankful in everything. It's just when we allow the mundane to hold us back and then use excuses. Excuses like: since this is where He has me, this is what I'm supposed to do.....but is it really??? I have to ask the question. Are you really where you are supposed to be???? While being thankful, do some work along side of it and never underestimate God. Don't allow the fire to die out for any reason. He's got a plan!

If this is where you are and you really feel this is where you are supposed to be, I am thankful that you have accepted your call and you know that He actually has you right where you're supposed to be, doing exactly what He has called you to do.  I joy in the thought of us as women accepting our call and moving forward in it. Not just moving close to it, but walking in it. There is a stirring in the air and I can't explain it. All I can say is that it has me leaping for joy. He is with you and He is ready to help you get out of the slump and move into His greatness. Ezra 10:4 reads: "Arise, for it is your task, and we are with you; be strong and do it.” 

Never give up on your dream or the call He has on your life. There will be a stirring in your soul so strong, that He will begin to rip off whatever needs to go to accomplish His will in your life. Be thankful in and for all things, but never be complacent to the point where you think this is it. We will be growing and learning until we leave here, but it is up to us to not be that sitting target. Get up girl and get about your Father's business.

Be thankful ALWAYS......EVERY MONTH, EVERY DAY, EVERY HOUR, EVERY MINUTE, EVERY SECOND!!! Its our duty, but never get to the place where you are so content to the point where you think this is it, because it's not. There are hundreds and thousands hurting souls out there and He wants to use you to accomplish a part of his plan.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!


Friday, November 1, 2013

Creative? What are You Waiting On???

I often see women that are creative to the point where I'm thinking, "why wasn't I created like that?" Then I have to pinch myself and say, "stop that!" You were created just the way God wanted you to be. Period!!! As women, we are experimental. Well, I'll speak for myself. My husband and I have been praying about when and where to buy a house, but it's all about God's timing. So, we (or shall I say I) have thought of ways that I can be a little more creative in the "Tende Bungalow." Yup, this is what I have decided to call our humble abode from here on out. Our place is nice and I am thankful and believe it or not, I don't feel rushed in to having a "house" doesn't mean you have a home.If it's a tin can, make it personal, make it YOU!

So, this is what I have learned about myself. When it comes to vibrant colors, I have "come out" so to speak. A couple of weeks ago, I had my dining room wall painted "Grand Teal." Oh emmm ghee! The painter did a spectacular job and I can't help but just sit and look at it along with the decor. Oh, how I love this color. Not to mention what it has done for the dining room itself. I must say, it had to grow on the hubbs, but after about a week, he says, "babe, one of the things I love about you is you creativity." I looked at him and smiled. It meant a lot to hear him say such kind words about this boldness that has erupted in my life. Next stop, some kind of orange. Yup, I said it. So stay tuned. I love re-arranging, painting furniture, reupholstering, and the list goes on, but the thing I really I have learned is to be content and make my home reflect just who I am. (I'm talkin' real bonafied contentment over here.)

Being creative is something the Lord has placed on the inside of us, not just we as women, but men as well. Okay, I get it....most of you will say "my man doesn't have a creative bone in his body." But that's okay. They love the glory that is given when visitors walk in and are told what a lovely home they have. Of course, they  immediately give the credit to their wives, but that's okay too!

Upon being more creative these days, I have learned that having nice doesn't mean I need more. I have a garage full of not only antiques, but nice dibbs that I have figured I didn't need any longer. I realized that I didn't have to have something in every single corner or on every single shelf in order to look nice. I often ponder while looking and say "Wow, none of this that I spend so much time lining up or taking pics of is going with me, and all the emphasis I put on my "stuff" and "being creative" really won't matter. So, I decided to take my creativity and turn it around to something that will help others. Don't get me wrong now, that creative bone that I have will continue in the Bungalow, but I'm changing things up a bit. I tell you, when Jesus gets a hold of you, you'll be amazed at the transformation that takes place in your life.

When I sit and talk with women or when I'm on a hour long call that ends with tears because the words I used have made such a difference, I can't help but give God all the glory. I want to be creative for Him. Planning for 2014 is giving me great pleasure, because at the top of my "very creative" book that I made for all my plans, hopes and dreams is this little phrase. "Lord, this is not about me, but all about you. And because I am delighting myself in you, I am thanking you in advance that my plans succeed because you have placed them on the inside of me and no glory is coming to me, but all belongs to you."

If God has blessed you with a creativeness that you would like to share, share it, but with a flare. What gets you going? What makes your heart skip a beat? What makes you shout Hallelujah in a quiet room? There has to be something!! Praying and asking God always works....believe me, you'll know it when you see it.

Just turn it around for the Lord and decide that you want to come up with things that will inspire someone else. Let your light shine and help someone that may think that her creativity isn't worth anything. We are all different, but yet molded the same. What are you waiting on????



Monday, October 28, 2013

Taking That "GIANT" Leap of Faith

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you stepped out from behind the curtain of fear and allow God to do His thing in your life? I have often had dreams where I am on a big stage and all lights are on me. Thing is, I can't tell who (if anyone) is in the audience. I'm never nervous, anxious or scared. But's only a dream. And with any dream, we always wake up!

More often than ever, I hear people say, when you are getting ready to speak, if you are nervous, then it's about you. Not about the reason why you are speaking. Saying what the Lord has called you to say will not make you nervous. Well, in all honesty, beg to differ. Some people are natural born speakers and words  flow out of their mouth as if Jesus himself touched their tongue with the tip of His finger. I know of a renown speaker that has spoken for years, but before she goes on stage she literally feels like she has to upchuck. I love to hear her speak in any form, but you never could have told me that she would ever be that nervous. Looks can be deceiving. Praying before going out is where her faith kicks in. And she is a success every time.

Many of time my thoughts can be way out there. I will find myself thinking, "gheesh, if I could speak half as good as she does", or "if I had at least half of the clients she has", etc.... Then I stop. I mean literally STOP right in my tracks and ask for God's forgiveness. Taking the leap of faith is not always easy, but I have come to the conclusion that we are all different. My faith is not your faith, nor is my call is not your call, however, we all serve the same purpose. 

In taking that leap, the one thing I have come to realize is that it doesn't have to be a "GIANT" leap, but a leap! Matthew 17:20 reads:  He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” When I read that I was like, "wow" giant leap only has to be as big as a mustard seed. That's it.

If you are considering taking that jump, remember what the word of God says. All you need is a small amount of faith to get the job done. Regardless of the call or the challenge, know that God has you covered. My faith is not your faith and your faith is not someone else's faith. 

Start where you are and get on with your journey. Whether it's speaking, coaching, teaching, leading or the like, take that leap. What are you waiting for? Pull the curtain back and walk out on that stage and allow the Holy Spirit to do His work and  fulfill the purpose in which you were created for.


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Believing God For The Impossible

Some 28 plus years ago, this girl here (moi) knew that God would use her in a special way, but I was clueless as to when where and how. Being brought up in church (basically opening, closing, and everything in between) that was my life! But after the birth of my daughter at the age 17, life changed and the chain of events that have happened in my life were not all too pretty.

When would things change? When would  I find myself on the  road to "ah, this is the life or life can't get any better than this?" Confused by what I had gone through (both self inflicted and infliction to the highest degree by others), I was determined to figure out what my life was all about. Pretty sad, that at 30 years old, I hadn't found the road I was looking for. At 47, I can finally see clearly, but I had questions out the whazoo! Knowing, but not knowing, wondering, but yet realizing that all things work together and are working together for my good.
After traveling to India a couple of years ago, the name of the Ministry I would one day open for Him was revealed. Jer-Ne Ministries to be exact. Once I came up with the name, I thought I was on a role. I had everything planned out. That's what soon to be entrepreneurs do right? Have you ever had to come to a sudden stop and hear your tires screech uncontrollably? This is exactly what the Lord did to and for me. Yep, I said to and for me. Sometimes "WE" can get on a role with doing things and the timing, our timing is just what it is...."our timing." He knew that I had a whole lot of work that needed to be done. And that is exactly what I have been doing...getting worked on. 

Our Heavenly Father is so gracious towards us. He knows best! He knows when we are ready. It's funny how we try and help God out all the time. It's not until we relinquish all rights in our lives, that He is able to take us and change us for the good. One word that comes to mind is AWESOME!!!!!  I personally thank Him for the grace that He extends to me everyday.

Even though I had several questions lingering and was very discontent, or what I thought was discontentment, He was burning off everything that wasn't like Him. Refining so to say. Where I was confused and didn't understand, a blanket of peace fell over me as if someone was literally standing over me with a blanket and told me that all I had to do was lay there and trust Him to cover me.

Expect the impossible that Jesus can do in, through and for you. It's the most amazing feeling ever. Our flesh has a hard time dealing with certain situations, but if our minds are renewed, rest assured you will come out on the other side smiling and more joyful than ever. It will be as if the good happening in your life is a dream.  Because of your faithfulness to Him and the task at hand, thank Him and continue to do what you know to do.

All I can say is thank you Father! His timing is perfect and so is His will! All we have to do is keep believing!


Monday, October 21, 2013

It's Been A While......

Today was quite a day....followed by quite the weekend, but because of a dear friend and her encouragement, I decided to make a list. A list of the things that I want to see manifested in my life. So.....stay tuned! Nothing to big or wordy on tonight, but just know that God is in control and he cares for everything that pertains to US!!!


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thankful for My Guy!!!

Today was a bit of a risque/sad day for me in the natural, but my soul was singing happy songs! Things happen, and people come and go, but the one thing I am "always thankful for" is my GUY!!! After going through what I call a sad moment for me in a big way, I called him and talked to him. My mind was going every which way and I was on the verge of.........

His soft, but subtle words spoke to my heart and soothed me in a way that I will never forget. He told me to always remember that what is happening is all for a reason. You see, God sees the bigger picture, and where things may be crushing our spirit, He knows that what is happening is sharpening us for greater things. Knowing that HE has a plan allows us to know that in the midst of whatever it is that's bothering or ailing us, later on down the line we will come to realize and understand all the why's........

The place where I knew I could find the ultimate comfort was in the word of God. It will sustain you and give you the peace that passes all understanding in any circumstance you are faced with. And for that, I am also so thankful. HE has me cradled in his arms and that is where I find my peace. I'm reminded that "all things work together for the good." I am thankful for God sending His Son Jesus to save me from sin. Because of that precious gift, I can be thankful every single day of my life just because and in spite of.......

What about you? Are you thankful? You should be......

Huggs & more....

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Me and my Guy!!!


Here we go....

Have you ever had something happen to you that kind of jerked you back into reality? I can say yes!!! It wasn't something painful or anything like that, but more of a "Really????? Are you kidding me?????" It was that kind of slap in the face that made me realize that no matter how much you give your all, it's never enough and if you can put this much effort in for something that isn't yours, why not pray, get the direction that you need and move swiftly.....(in HIS timing of course) towards the dream that God has given you.

I have never been one to make New Year's resolutions, but one thing my guy and I have been doing more of is talking, planning, praying and moving forward with the things that we want to do. The visions that God has planted deep on the inside of us both. Now that's a good feeling. You and your guy talking, planning and praying. Oh....Thank you Jesus!

I have come to realize, I am who I am......and once I stopped allowing negative thoughts to dictate otherwise, things in my life that were so simple and meaningless, were just that. Meaningless. I wanted to please people, be friends with everyone, do what it took to fit in...and the more I tried, the more I failed. I realized that I have to be who God created me to be. I am okay with my style of dressing, my way of talking, my way of decorating, it's okay if you don't talk to me, if I'm not in your loop, or even if you have a problem with me when I know that I've done nothing wrong. This is my way of being ME. 

A friend of mine sent me an email regarding a blog that she read. It was about choosing ONE word for this new year. After I looked at all the words that the list had to offer, I was a little over whelmed. THEN....I prayed and asked God "what do you want of me on this new year?" It was as if He was standing in front of me and softly whispered the word "OBEDIENCE!" Plain and simple. Just be obedient. Don't fret over things you have no control over, don't worry about things that really don't matter and most of all TRUST and leave everything to me.

It's time... Time to get about our Father's business. Jeremiah 29:13 reads... You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. That is what I am doing. I'm seeking HIM with all I have because I want all that HE has for me. What about you? Have you had your wake up call? Are you moving in the direction that HE wants you to be moving in? Or are you satisfied with the way things are and where you are? Are you placed where HE wants you to be or are you placed where YOU want to be? If you are feeling too comfortable, you may want to pray and seek the one that know the plans HE has for you. 

XoXO & Happy New Year