Thursday, May 24, 2012

God's Timing

Ahhhh........God's timing. It's perfect! We may not think so, but it really is. Jeremiah 29:11 says that God has a plan and a purpose for us. I have to be perfectly honest with you. This is something that I have struggled with like forever. And to be honest, it wasn't until recently that I realized if I don't allow God to work in my life as only HE can, I am only hurting myself. God has a way of preparing us for the task that he had planned for us before we were conceived. Adapting can be so hard though; well especially for me. I'm a "right now kinda chick," and having to wait...whew! I have been doing a James study by Beth Moore, and she along with the book of James pretty much kicked my patooty...if you will. Patience has beat me up and caused to to wait.....and believe! Waiting on the Lord brings special blessings and such peace. I can attest to that because I dated my now husband for four years and while I thought I was ready early on in the relationship, I knew I wasn't. It was just the idea of marriage. But when it happened, it was well worth the wait. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. My strength has truly been renewed....not only on that special day, but everyday!!! Wait on God's timing. Remember, you are unique and so different from any other woman God created. He has your life planned out to a tee!!!

Be Blessed!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A New Day, A new Feeling....

Lot's happened for me on last week. First off I saw a wonderful woman that prayed with me and helped me "empty myself" out before the Lord. How refreshing is that? There had been some things deep down inside that I thought I had rooted up and released; not to mention forgiven. But I realized that I hadn't. Not forgiving myself and walking in total forgiveness towards others was holding me back. Whew....... I really didn't know how all this was holding me back and not allowing me to move forward in the things of HIM. My ring tone is, "I Feel Good, by James may be a little out there for some, but whenever I hear that song, it allows me to know how good I really feel in Christ. Walking in total forgiveness does something to you that you never imagined. If there are some things holding you back, take self inventory and ask God to reveal whatever it is to you. Most often, we know what and who we have the ought with. Once you make that one time decision to release it and let it go, you will feel 100% better. It's a new day, and I have a new feeling!

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Much Needed Break the word that comes to mind. At this moment, I should be logged on doing one of the three assignments that are due by Wednesday, then trying to figure out what's due for Thursday, Friday, so on and so on....well, after much prayer and thought, I have decided to give my mind a much needed break from the what would have been my first mini-mester. After taking a look at the syllabus, I cringed...literally. So, I dropped my class. I know that there are some things that I want to do and I could have waited until after June 1st, but I didn't want to go through the stress of the next three weeks. I guess I can say....Yay God! I really need this time to rejuvenate and get my thoughts together. Spending quality time with my Heavenly Father is what this summer is all about. Don't get me wrong, it's not just about the summer, because it will go further than that, but this is my start. School had me all out of whack, and this is the start of something new spiritually for me! Sometimes, we can put more on ourselves that we ought too, then we cry out for help. This was one of those times where I cried out and asked for God's help so that I would make the right decision so I can get about HIS business. Well, here I am. When you have something pressing on you, pray and ask God for guidance. He will guide you in the way you should go. School will be there next semester, along with the three classes (hahaha maybe) but for now, this is my time to feed what my soul is thirsting for, and that's HIM!!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Classes.... here I am down to my last final of the semester. Yay God!!!!!! Then, starting Monday, May 14th, let the mini-mester begin. Ooh baby.......On a different note, I have been a little overwhelmed as of late, but after talking to my hubby and a couple of good friends, I think I'm gonna take it down a notch. I'm not leaving school, but instead of taking 3-4 classes per semester like a mad woman, I have decided to take a minimum of two. Am I in a rush to finish? You have nooooo idea how bad. But I can't kill myself in the interim. One of the things that I have been lacking is my time with the Lord; and that's a big no no! I have been so convicted by this because my walk with the Lord is way more important than all the classes in the world. Only HE can give me the strength that I need for my studies, but the lack of time has been that of a big weight on my shoulders. As I pray and seek the Lord, I have to do this or spiritually I won't be fit to encourage. All prayers are welcome!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I am so excited at what God is doing in general.  I will be going to India in August. Here are a few pics of that beautiful County. Isn't God just AWESOME???? I will feel so honored to be able to share with one person in Patna. Just one word of encouragement will make a world of difference in the lives of those seeking the Lord. Yay God!!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Oh How Pretty......

Have you ever looked at something and said "oh, that's so pretty?" I know I have. What about when you look in the mirror? Is that what you say to yourself?  So many times, I looked in the mirror and said just the opposite. My self esteem was at an all time low. There was nothing that (so I thought)  would ever get me back to the place where I knew God had created me to be. Life happens so often, but life doesn't have to get you. We are so loved by our Heavenly Father and once we realize that, you will look at yourself in a whole different manner. You have to want to get there. And believe you me, it doesn't come easy. After years and years of beating yourself up and enduring the mental abuse and anguish that has been inflicted on you (or that you allowed to happen to yourself) you start questioning God asking Him is this the way it's going to be? The key to letting it all go was forgiveness for me. That was one of the hardest things that I had to do. I had years of hatred and bitterness built up in my heart and mind and that made it difficult to allow what God had for me to manifest. Once I prayed, forgave and then asked God to forgive me for all that I did, I could see the transformation. It didn't happen over night and believe you me, I see a difference every single day.  I have my moments, but I serve a God that is willing and able to help us it every single day. So now, when I look in the mirror I'm not being vain when I say..."oh, how pretty." I see myself as God sees me.
